Newborn Q+A : Studio photography or in home lifestyle newborn photography?

Let’s talk about at home lifestyle newborn photography or studio newborn photography this week.  Both have their pros and cons, and it is completely up to you which one fits your needs and desires.  But, if you don’t really know the difference between the two, how are you going to decide?  Hopefully this post will help you out with that!

If you are just joining the newborn Q+A series, I am attempting to answer as many questions as I can about the newborn photography experience.  As if you don’t have enough to plan for and get ready when you are expecting a baby, navigating the vast array of newborn photographers can tip you over the edge and make you want to give up.  Well, I don’t want that to happen!  You can read the last two newborn Q+A’s here:

When should I book my newborn session?

How old should my baby be at her session?


Lifestyle Newborn Photography

In home sessions are also referred to as lifestyle sessions by many photographers.  Lifestyle newborn photography sessions are typically very unposed and focus on the relationship between family members rather than getting everyone looking and smiling at the camera.

When I photograph a newborn session in your home, I heavily focus on the relationship between the parents, siblings, and pets.  We will take photos all over your home, including your family room, nursery, and master bedroom.

lake country natural newborn photographer lifestyle newborn photography

Lifestyle newborn photography sessions are usually very relaxed and laid back.  We don’t have to worry about getting baby into a deep sleep, since mom or dad will be holding him for almost every photo.  You also don’t have to worry about packing a diaper bag and leaving the house with your tiny bundle of joy.  Everything you need, from diapers to burp rags to a change of clothes will just be a few steps away.

There are some downsides to a lifestyle newborn photography session, however.  Probably the biggest disadvantage is having to pick up your house.  I mean, you just had a baby 7 days ago!  The last thing you want to think about doing is decluttering your end tables!  But I PROMISE you won’t like the way they look in photos if there is a glass of water, a box of tissues and a stack of books sitting there.

In home newborn photography

If you choose a lifestyle newborn photography session, we will also skip the posed photos.  If you aren’t into the posed newborn photos, then this definitely won’t be a deal breaker for you.  But, if you were excited to see your little baby with an adorable hat on his head curled up in a tiny basket-you may want to consider a studio session instead.  While I would love to offer posed sessions in your home, there is too much stuff I need to travel with and I drive a Honda Civic with two gigantic car seats shoved in there.  I just can’t make everything fit!

I do bring some different colored wraps so we can swaddle baby up and get some different looks that way.  And babies look entirely adorable when they are wrapped up into a tiny little bundle!

Studio Newborn Photography

Studio sessions will take place in my studio in Wales, Wi.  I mentioned above that in home sessions can also be considered lifestyle session because they are unposed for the most part and focus on family.  And that is completely true!  But that doesn’t mean that studio sessions are stiff and posed either.  In fact, in my studio, that is quite the opposite!  But for now, let’s just focus on the newborn sessions, which are more posed.

Studio sessions are the perfect choice when you want the focus to be more on that sweet little baby of yours.  The whole day will be about him and doing what makes him comfortable.  (And that is why newborn sessions can last up to 4 hours!  Those little ones run the show!)

natural newborn photography baby sleeping

We will use a variety of hats, blankets, and props to create stunning works of art for your walls.  You can grab a spot on the couch and take a break, or even a nap!, while I work with you little one.  It might be the only 2-3 hours of kid-free time you get for the next few months, so enjoy it!

Of course we will still get portraits with mom and dad as well as any siblings and family members.  I do allow pets in the studio on occasion, but that is on a per case basis, so if that is something you are interested in, please get in touch and let me know!  

Of course, the disadvantages of a studio session are worth  mentioning as well.  You will have to pack up a diaper bag to take with you, and those little ones need a lot more stuff than  we realize!  You will need diapers, wipes, a change of clothes both for baby and for you (trust me on this one!)  You will likely have to feed your baby while at the studio, so if you are bottle feeding you will need to bring all of the necessary items for that.  If you are nursing, you will have all of the privacy you need to nurse your baby.

It is also a long time to be away from home.  You see your sweet baby sleeping on the beanbag and all you can think about are the precious minutes of sleep you are wasting sitting in the studio.  Being sleep deprived is hard!

relaxed newborn photography lake country area baby boy on blue blanket

No matter which choice you make, in home or studio session, you will end up with beautiful works of art to hang on your walls and give to family and friends.  The images of your newborn will last forever and you will never regret having them done!  You will quickly realize how big your baby has gotten and looking back at your newborn photos will remind you of how tiny she once was.



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