Does anyone else notice that as the months go on – they go by faster? February can seem like it is at least 3 years long and June/July/August last approximately one weekend. Why is that? Well, here it is, the end of May, (it’s actually the beginning of July – what am I even doing […]
It’s hard to believe that another month as come and gone. As a Waukesha baby photographer, I know this year is just going to fly by – I can feel it! This month, I had 3 weeks of special deals to celebrate all of you – my amazing clients! It makes me so happy to […]
It has been a great month here at Andrea Ryerson Photography! As a Waukesha studio photographer, I am grateful to have an indoor space to shoot in during these colder months. Indoor photographs are definitely different than outdoor ones, but they can still bring just as much creativity and emotion as your outdoor photos. January […]
You made it through the first year. The not-sleeping stage. The sleep regression stage. The nap-fighting stage. The not-sleeping-becuase-of-teething stage. Now that I think about it – why do so many milestones in the first year revolve around a lack of sleep? Anyways, along with that lack of sleep came the most joy you could […]
Cake smash sessions are so fun to photograph. I love that it gives one year old’s something to do during their session. Whether they love their cake or hate it, it doesn’t matter. The fun part is in seeing their reaction to such an iconic way to celebrate. Keeping it Clean Before we get to […]
Lidia is ONE! Can you believe it? I sure can’t. I feel like it was just last month that I did her newborn session. Isn’t she a doll? Did you think that was a cute photo? Well then be ready to see Lidia now! Cake Smash For her cake smash theme, mom wanted to go […]