What a cold, snowy Wisconsin day. Even though it was chilly, it was absolutely beautiful outside. I say it every year, but I truly love the snow blanketed parks – everything is still and calm. All you hear is the snow crunching below your boots (and maybe your teeth chattering just a bit)

Bold in Red
I loved the bright bold red against the white snow. This color really popped! It is such a classic winter look!
Speaking of contrast
This beautiful couple met in Hawaii! Talk about a temperature difference! And the best past was, you couldn’t even tell they were cold. I guess that’s what happens when we have so much fun at our maternity sessions – there is no time to worry about the colder temps.
Waiting on Baby
I can not wait to meet this little one! We will be all toasty warm in the studio in no time!
Snow Covered Trees
I love the way these trees line the photos and direct your attention right to Jenna and Ryan. There is nothing quite like a snowy park for your winter photos.
Jenna, you are beautiful! I can not wait to meet your little one!
If you’d like to check out some more maternity sessions on the blog, click here! It’s fun to see how the different seasons change the look of a maternity session.
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