5 Reasons to Book a Winter Portrait Session

Booking an outdoor photo session in the middle of winter may seem like the last thing you want to do.


But we live in Wisconsin! As much as we dislike the cold and snow, it is time we embrace it!


REASON #1: It’s Different

I would venture to guess that not many of your friends have had family portraits done outside in the winter. It just isn’t that common and it is something that will get your friends talking about how different it is. Sure-some people will say you are crazy for even considering them, but once they see your photos, they will be ooing and ahh-ing over your amazing photos

REASON #2: It’s a change to get cozy with your loved ones!

Summer sessions can be hot. Like, really HOT! And then your photographer asks you to snuggle up with your kids-who are also big balls of sweaty goo. Yuck! Kids get irritable and have a hard time concentrating and everyone could use some shade and a nice drink of water. In the winter, though, we can get you all snuggled together underneath a comfy blanket and everyone is happy to be that close to one another for the warmth.

REASON #3: It’s harder for your kids to run away!

When the grass is green and the birds are singing, it is easy for toddlers in flip flops to run all around the park, making it tricky to great a great family photo. Throw in some boots, scarves, and layers of clothes, and it isn’t as easy to run away. Parenting WIN!

REASON #4: Winter clothes (or snow clothes as my daughter calls them)

Come one, don’t lie. We know you didn’t buy that adorable scaft just to keep warm. You want to look good while doing it too! So get all those comfy warm weather clothes out for some snuggly outdoor photos

REASON #5: The weather is more predictable

Wait-what? Winter weather is predictable? Well, hear me out on this one. In the winter-we want snow. Whether it is falling snow or simply snow on the ground. And we are already prepared for cold, so you have that covered as well.

BONUS REASON #6: How fun would it be to have photos of you and your family building a snowman together or having a snowball fight or going sledding. Talking about amazing one of a kind lifestyle portraits!


So, did I convince you that winter portraits are worth it? CLICK HERE to fill out the contact form to start booking your session. (And if cold still isn’t your thing-lets start dreaming about spring and planning your session for then!)



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